Meet Dr. Tanja Kühne from Germany. She has devoted 12 years of her life to back health research. As a result, she has come up with the BALLance Dr Tanja Kühne Method.
BALLance® Dr. Tanja Kühne Method offers you a simple method for decompressing the spine with a safe and immediate effect for your customers, members or patients. Out of kyphosis, the spine is straightened by working on its myofascial tissue. This ensures immediate pressure relief in the back as well as in joints, internal organs, vessels and nerve tracts. The Benefits of the BALLance MethodPracticing the Balance METHOD offers a wealth of benefits:
Join Me at Club Pilates for Restore and Private Training Restorative SessionsJoin me for a demo session or schedule a private session of the BALLance Method and immerse yourself in a transformative fitness experience that truly checks all the boxes. Boost your strength, balance, and flexibility while enjoying the serenity of meditation. I teach a class called Restore at 3 Club Pilates locations (Cedar Park, Bar W and Steiner Ranch) where I incorporate The BALLance Method. If you are a member at these CP locations sign up on your app today! For drop in classes contact the studio for more information on single class packs.
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